
Showing posts from November, 2019

A Near Death Experience?

I knew something wasn’t right as I was heading to work Monday afternoon, severe stomach pain and nausea was creeping in. As I had eaten a meatball sub just a few hours earlier, I thought it was just a touch of food poisoning. That “food poisoning” kept me up all that night vomiting, and extreme shivering when I tried to get to sleep. I called in sick the next day spending most of the day sleeping. As I was starting to feel better, I thought nothing more of the situation, thinking it was behind me. Boy was I wrong. Wednesday rolled around and I still had some stomach pain, but thought I could make it through my work day. I made it till about 5:30 (I work second shift, 2:45pm to 11:15pm) then had to notify my supervisor that something was wrong, as the abdominal pain was getting more severe and becoming more stabbing. He got me to our local hospital a little before six o’clock. After running a few tests, blood work, urine sample that the nurse’s aid described as being the color